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Webinaire gratuit présentant la technologie OSGi et Eclipse Equinox
6 chapitres mis à disposition par EclipseSource

Le , par djo.mos


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Pour ceux d'entre vous qui ont entendu parler d'OSGi avec tout le buzz qu'il a autour ces derniers temps et qui désirent en savoir plus sur le de quoi il s'agit, son historique, sa relation avec Eclipse, et avoir une idée solide sur les bases d'OSGi, EclipseSource a présenté un webinaire qui fait justement ça.

Selon EclipseSource, ce webinaire serait particulièrement intéressant pour les manager techniques et aux décisionnaires pour avoir une vue d'ensemble sur le runtime OSGi.

Voici la description de ce webinaire quotée du site d'EclipseSource :

This mini-course is designed to provide a clear understanding of the essential concepts, facilities and advantages of this key technology. This session will be of use to anyone interested in building flexible systems in Java. It is particularly useful for technical managers and decision makers to help them better understand the overall runtime technology.
The webinar was aimed at people who’ve heard the buzz around OSGi but still don’t have a great feel for what it is, what you do with it and how it helps. We covered a pretty broad range of topics from the overall vision and context for OSGi to key concepts like bundles, classloading and componentization as well as PDE tools for writing bundles. Quite a bit of time was spent talking about services and best practices, in particular declarative services (though we did not have enough time to talk about OSGi distributed services). We also spent time talking about p2 provisioning of OSGi bundles and showed some of the scenarios where OSGi’s dynamic module system shine.

Overall the response was great. We were experimenting a bit with the format and basically did thirty minute chunks covering a topic and then a few minutes to cover questions that people typed in. Several hundred people signed up from all over the world and turnout on the day was awesome. The format seemed to be compelling as even though the webinar was pretty long (we were completely wiped by the end) the vast majority of the attendees stayed to the end.
Ce webinaire se compose de 6 parties, et voici l'adresse de la première partie :

N.B. : Les vidéos sont accompagnées des commentaires de Chris Aniszczyk et de Jeff McAffer en Anglais.

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