Les principales nouveautés :
- Nouveau système de plugin permettant le monitoring du cache
- Amélioration du support pour IBM WebSphere
- Possibilité de configurer un niveau de service (SLA - Service Level Agreement) afin de s'assurer d'un fonctionnement optimal respectant les exigences des applications les plus critiques
- Amélioration du support de JTA
In the last ten months, Terracotta has released four significant upgrades to Ehcache all in response to customer demands. In that same period, 50,000 users have moved to the latest version of Ehcache, and more than 100 organizations have upgraded to enterprise editions including Adobe, News Digital Media, a division of News Corporation, and Raytheon. Ehcache and Hibernate users find that the combined value of established open source technology and simple configuration changes enables them to scale their applications to hundreds of nodes. It represents a non-disruptive, easier to use and more broadly applicable alternative to proprietary distributed caching technologies such as Oracle Coherence.

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